The Howlidays are here! It’s time to cross names off your gift list with some shopping to support pug-owned businesses that give back to rescues.
Pugs At PlayBlog
10 Gifts For the Pug Lover in your Life
The holidays are just around the corner. Make sure you get the special pug lover in your life the right gift. Here’s a list of fun ones that get two paws up!
Pugs At PlayScenes from Pugtoberfest: Pretzels, Pints, and Pugs in Lederhosen
Our Pugtoberfest event at Barkbox HQ was a blast. We raised $940 for the Pug Squad emergency fund.
Pug Squad NewsCooking with Cobi and Ferdi: Chicken Bone Stock
Chicken bone stock is healthy for your dog, affordable, and easy to make. Now that fall is in full swing, it’s the perfect time to try making your own.
Health & WellnessPug Camp Registration Is Open!
Pug Camp registration is launched, and we can’t wait to see you and your pugs there. Early bird rates are available until November 30.
Pug Squad NewsPug Squad Auction To Benefit Buffalo Pug and Small Breed Rescue
Join the Pug Squad auction to benefit Buffalo Pug and Small Breed Rescue.The online Facebook auction runs October 30 through November 4.
Squad StoriesHighlights From PugsTakeNYC
Our first in-person fundraising event was a huge success! Our raffle at PugsTakeNYC raised $4,152 for Pug Nation Rescue of Los Angeles.
Pug Squad NewsSquad StoriesPug Camp: A Land Where The Pugs All Run Free
Mark your calendars, the first ever Pug Camp is coming. August 25-27, 2017. If you are closely involved with a pug rescue, tell them about Pug Camp.
Pug Squad NewsHelping Bella at #PugsTakeNYC
Our upcoming raffle at #PugsTakeNYC will benefit Pug Nation Rescue of Los Angeles and their inspiring rescue pug, Bella.
Pug Squad NewsPug Squad Pool Pawty
This weekend we celebrated the launch of Pug Squad and our successes to date at our first volunteer party. In just two months, we have accomplished so much.
Pug Squad NewsHappy National Dog Day!
Today is National Dog Day is a day to honor our best four-legged friends! We celebrate pugs of all shapes and sizes. We celebrate working pugs, rescue pugs, and napping pugs alike. To help you celebrate National Dog Day, here are 9 ways you can celebrate with your pup.
Pug Squad NewsPugs At PlayCanine MegaEsophagus 101: Learn the Basics
An intro to Canine MegaEsophagus through Cosmo the rescue pug. Learn what it is, how it’s diagnosed, and how to help your MegaE pug thrive.
Health & WellnessJoin the Pug Squad Auction for Marco
Our first Pug Squad auction started today for a 4-month-old puggle puppy named Marco who needs eye surgery. Pug Squad to the rescue!
Pug Squad NewsCooking With Chef Emoji: Monster Mash
Hi Friends! Chef Emoji here and today we’re going to make a family recipe, Monster Mash—cooked veggies mashed up or puréed.
Health & WellnessThe Birth of Pug Squad
It’s been an interesting experience so far, this new journey, this coming together of a passionate and dedicated group of people and forming a brand new non-profit.
Pug Squad NewsCooking with Chef Emoji: Peanut Butter Snackies
Hi Friends! Chef Emoji here and today we’re going to make my favorite peanut butter snackies.
This is a great healthy snackie for you and–if you’re in the sharing mood–your human too! We love it because you can easily customize this recipe to fit your dietary needs and preferences.
Hereeee’s Owen!
I couldn’t let this dog go to The Big Sleep without at least seeing if anything could be done for him. So, when Jodi told me about Owen, I said, “no rescue I’m involved in puts dogs to sleep without an eval. Take him in, let’s check him out.”
Squad StoriesSmall Dog Parks in NYC
NYC offers a handful of small dog parks, open to dogs 25lbs and under for quality off leash hang time. They’re perfect for socializing with other small sized canines, and a great option for our furry friends who can’t run with the big dogs.
Pugs At Play