Wyoming to New York Pug RV Rescue Run

Buckle up for a long winded tale of my trip from Wyoming to New York to bring 6 rescue dogs to their forever home!


pixel at airport
Pixel getting ready to fly

On May 27th I flew out to Wyoming with my pug Pixel, on her very first plane ride. We flew to Danielle, of Wyoming Pug Rescue, to take an RV trip from Wyoming to NY with Pixel, Alexis (more on her in a bit) and 4, soon to be 5 puppies, each being adopted and going to their forever homes!

Hold on, let me back up a bit! Let me start from the beginning! If you don’t know Danielle from Wyoming Pug Rescue you are missing out. One of the most generous people I have ever met, and any pug that comes into her care is going to have nothing spared to save them.

Where It Began

It began when Danielle rescued 3 dogs from a backyard breeder. Alexis, Lucy and Bruno. These dogs were being used over and over again as money making machines, no real care or love was given to them, so  she managed to get them from this “breeder”. What she didn’t know at the time was that Alexis (formerly known as Ruby) was pregnant. Since I speak to Danielle fairly regularly, I was getting updates on her progress. I slowly started to fall in love. A silver brindle female pug, she seemed like a unicorn. I’ve been a pug person for over 25 years, but I always only had one, so I hesitated, but the more I was privy to her story, the more I fell for her.

Danielle and I started planning. First I was going to come out to be there for the birth of Alexis’ pups, but she ended up giving birth earlier than expected, and we both missed the birth!

A little aside on the birth. Alexis had 7 puppies. Thats a huge liter for any dog, but one that was under nourished herself, it was an extremely difficult situation. The pups were all under nourished and extremely small. It was questionable about what would happen. I only was part of this from afar, and I was barely keeping it together, so being the ones there with these tiny creatures, I can only imagine all the emotions.

Unfortunately one pup didn’t make it. It was incredibly sad and scary for Danielle and her dad, but they REFUSED to lose any more. Danielle’s dad slept on the floor and fed the pups every 2 hours and warmed them up to make sure they survived. It was touch and go. At one point it wasn’t certain if any of the pups would make it. But thanks to these 2 angels, the remaining 6 pups all survived.

We Interrupt Our Regularly Scheduled Program…

I’m going to interrupt here for an appeal for donations. No expense was spared for these pups, and there were more bills coming, so if you can donate to help recoup the costs you can just use the button below to send money via Paypal. The button goes directly to Wyoming Pug Rescue’s account.

Back On Track

Mama Alexis making sure I’m good to her babies

Now I can get back to the happy part of my tale. Since I was now committed to Alexis, Danielle turned her attention to finding the perfect homes for her pups. Two of the pups went to homes out near Danielle, and 4 homes were selected on the East Coast, so we decided that I would fly out and we would drive from Wyoming to New York in an RV with the 6 dogs!!

As soon as I got to Danielle’s house in Wyoming, I got a glass of wine and plopped myself down on the floor so I could play with the pups, Alexis and Dani’s other dogs. It was heaven!

This is Alexis making sure that I am good to her puppies. I think she accepted me because the puppies did.


So where did that 7th dog come from? Danielle was contacted about a 7 month old puppy that needed a new forever home, and so it was decided that we would stop in Michigan to get her since we were passing through there anyway.

Alexis’ 4 pups on the trip were David, Lander, Newt and Stevie. Two black (Lander & Stevie) and two white (David and Newt – formerly known as Tiny).

Well this is getting much longer than I planned! I haven’t even gotten to the actual trip yet!

The Deets

What was it like traveling in an RV with 7 dogs, 5 of which were puppies? Surprisingly easy! Alexis’ pups are such good puppies, and pretty quiet for puppies. They played, ate, pooped and peed! Since they were all still sleeping in a pen together, they all slept through the night, which was lucky for me because the pen was near my bed! haha

We pretty much drove all day, stopped for the evening to take care of the dogs and have dinner, wine, then sleep! It was a 4 day trip. The first night we stayed at a friend’s in Nebraska, the rest of the nights we spent in RV parks. Since Dani did all the driving (did you see the size of that THING??), I did all the cooking. I was also on poop/pee patrol throughout the journey.

The puppies took the trip in stride, they were happy to romp around in the RV and wear themselves out! Alexis had the hardest time with the trip, she hated the RV. The sounds scared her, and she spent most of the trip hidden under the table. It hurt my heart, but her pups would go and lay with her and comfort her. It was pretty darn sweet. Lander, especially, would go and rest with mama.

Phoebe was picked up on day 3 of our trip. She fit right in! She was happy to be playing with the pups! This little lady had had 4 homes and was only 7 months old. To know she would be getting an amazing FOREVER home now was just icing on this already very big cake!

We met some pug people along the way, with one woman giving us a donation for Wyoming Pug Rescue at a rest stop!

End Of The Road

Once we got to New York, we drove straight to a Pug Squadders home to leave the RV and the two humans and 7 dogs piled into my car to come to my Brooklyn apartment. We got back to my place at about 10pm, and adoptions were all scheduled for the next day.

Adoption day was one of those days that just fills up your entire heart. Seeing all the people come to get their new babies, watch them meet them for the first time, and see them fall in love is just an amazing experience. It was decided that Stevie, the baby that had the medical issues, would not go to her east coast forever home, but would instead stay with Dani to ensure she got the medical care and attention she needs to continue to recover from her issues. I can’t say I was at all upset to get to spend more time with her, she is ridiculously cute and a super smart and sassy girl – just how I like them!

A Final Appeal

To say that Dani went above and beyond for these pups and their lucky forever homes is an understatement. Stevie’s costs are ongoing, at least for a while. So if you can donate, any amount is welcome!

Pug Squad Veep
Mama to Pixel and Alexis
Nana NayNay to the pups
